Mon 27 Jan
💕 BlOnDiE WiTh A BoDy ... BaCk At ThE BeAcH 💕 RiDe ThE WaVeS 💕 - 25
(Eastern Shore, Incall ocean city outcalls all over)
•★• in ToWn NoW •★•] LoOkInG 4 FuN[•★•] CaLi BlOnDe [•★•] BRAND NEW PICS - 26
(Eastern Shore, Incalls O.C. Outcalls Beaches, Salisbury)
💋💋 BlOnDiE WiTh A BoDY.... 100% ReAl DeAl ...AvAiLaBlE ToDaY 💋💋 - 26
(Eastern Shore, Incall ocean city outcalls too)
💋💋 BlOnDiE WiTh A BoDy 💎💎 DeLiCioUs TrEaT 💎💎 It's My BiRthDaY WeEk 💋💋 - 25
(Eastern Shore, Outcalls ocean city and beaches)
💋💋 BlOnDiE WiTh A BoDY.... 100% ReAl DeAl ...AvAiLaBlE ToDaY 💋💋 - 26
(Eastern Shore, Incall ocean city outcalls too)
🍭🍭 HeRe All WeEkEnD ... DeLiCioUs CaLi TrEaT ... 100% ReAl 🍭🍭 - 26
(Eastern Shore, Incall ocean city outcalls all over)